This was our day to take it easy and enjoy the views from the Teleférico de Fuente Dé. It takes you 753 meters (2470 ft) to an elevation of 1823 meters (5981 ft) in a little under 4 minutes. You can see the Cantabrian mountains to the south as well as the Picos de Europa to the north.
Our teleferico arriving to take us up.
These guys were so fun to watch float around on the air currents.
There were these alpine choughs all over up there. I caught one taking off from the rock.
A view to the south looking at the Cantabrian mountains.
Seriously thinking I want to hike but also realizing that the Ruta del Cares was only 2 days earlier.
A little perspective…
Toren taking in the views…
This is my own hike further up to see what the views are and where.
We stopped in Potes, a beautiful little pueblo on the way back down from the teleférico.
Taking a walk to explore after lunch.
What was most interesting was the various levels in this town.
Beautiful walkways and was very busy with tourists being brought in by bus.