Our 1st full day in Slovenia where we could admire all the holiday decor, snow, immense fog, LEGO’s, the 0° Celsius weather, and The Land of Ice (-5°Celsius).

The fog that wouldn’t quit all day. It almost seemed a little spooky in spots.

The Ljubljanica river. That was a boat tour going by although I’m not sure what they were actually seeing.

Ljubljana is the dragon city and these were the first ones we found.

This is the University of Ljubljana (Univerza v Ljubljani) in Congress Square (Kongresni Trg).

The boys riding in a Roman chariot at the Land of Ice (Ledena Dezela).

Toren riding in his 1st car made out of ice.

An ice dragon.

The Cathedral of Freedom.

The Nativity scene.

Yep, that’s real money in there.

Roman warrior at the Land of Ice.

We went to check out the mall since you can only spend so many hours out in the freezing cold. Wouldn’t you know it, there was a beautiful tree (decorations and all) made out of entirely LEGO’s.

One snowman for indoors, please!

Just an interesting sculpture on the corner while walking in the snow.

A pizza place (Foculus) recommended by our host and I absolutely loved the decor.

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