Our next stop was Paris and this city is almost bigger than any other city I’ve seen. This is just Day 1 (broken down over 4 days) where we tackled the Louvre with fervor and a plan. Such a massive place, but also extremely interesting to experience. It is still foreign to see officers with automatic weapons just walking around at airports, train stations, and just generally around national monuments, etc. I also had the luxury of driving within France and it was definitely a different feeling to be on a major highway and maintain a speed that was roughly 80-85 mph.

Can I just say there were so many sculptures in this museum. This was one of the prettiest and I think that a lot of what is contained in the museum was acquired while Napoleon was trying to conquer one country after the next. A lot of spoils.

Toren had a lot of questions about this one.

This is The Lamassu. An Assyrian protective deity, often depicted as having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings.

The writing up close.

This just reminded us of Toren and him wrestling with various things in his life.

Check out the size of this chandelier in one of Napoleon’s apartments. Sheesh!

Hermaphrodite, such a complicated being. I left them their dignity by taking a pic from this side.

This reminded us of Asher wrestling with his brother and everything else.

Aphrodite (Venus de Milo) and the history of this particular sculpture is interesting as part of the mystery is no one knows with absolute certainty who created it.

Victoire Samothrace, absolutely beautiful in person and so life like, minus the missing arms and head, of course.

One of the ornately decorated roofs inside the museum.