The best way to experience Copenhagen is by bike. So much fun, good exercise, quicker, flexible, etc. Got to see so much even though I had a flat tire. It will be cool to go back for the last 2 days of our trip. This is just 1 of 2 days we are already spent there.

Yes, Bubbie has been on a lot of adventures as well. No fear this one, even when he was left behind in Copenhagen.

All the crew ready for adventure.

A no car bridge. Super safe!

Vor Frelsers Kirke – Church of Our Saviour from the 17th century and the tower is eye catching from afar.

Christiana – Denmark’s hippie free town. It’s a former military base that a group of free thinkers in the 70’s began squatting in due to its abandoned status. It’s a small community with its own rules and regulations independent of the government.

This was the most fun art piece for people walking through.

Asher wanted a photo too.

Photos not allowed in a significant part of the area, but lo que sea, we’re rejoining the EU.

The beautiful colors along Nyhavn.

Another section of Nyhavn where we got a family pic.

This is definitely unique when you visit other areas of Denmark.

In Amaliehaven, a small waterfront park, admiring the view.

Amalienborg, where the royal family lives.

Frederiks Kirke aka the Marble Church, it was so striking from a distance. It’s an 18th century church that is rumored to have the largest dome in Scandinavia.

Ørstedsparken, gorgeous park that had plenty of grass and a playground.

We found out later the park was bike free although we weren’t the only ones with bikes.

Biking along and finding the end of the Sortedams Sø.

The main entrance to Tivoli! We will be hitting it up when we return.

Oh and it was gay pride while we were there. Rainbows in a lot of the city.

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